Conceptual design of "MicroFocus" beamline of Siberian Circular Photon Source (SKIF)

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Conference Hall (Budker INP)

Conference Hall

Budker INP

Lavrentiev av. 11, Novosibirsk 630090 Russia
Oral SR and FEL sources and centers


Dr Sergey Rashchenko (Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS)


The recent development of low-emittance storage rings promises particular benefits for techniques that require tightly focused and brilliant beams of synchrotron radiation, such as XRF/XRD/XAS micro- and nanomapping, high-pressure research *etc.* The "MicroFocus" beamline was designed to use all benefits of low-emittance storage ring enhanced by modern refractive X-ray optics, and provide a 'multi-tool' infrastructure for investigation of geo-, bio-, and functional materials, samples related to forensic science and cultural heritage *etc.* The beamline will use undulator radiation converted into a sightly convergent beam by diamond refractive optics installed in the front-end. An optic hutch will contain two diamond monochromators, reflecting 12.6 keV and 14.4 keV harmonics aside for use at (I) macromolecular crystallography and (II) nuclear scattering stations, respectively. The remaining part of the spectrum will be monochromatized by adjustable channel-cut Si monochromator with zero offset for use at (III) nanomapping and (IV) extreme conditions stations. Each monochromator will be followed by a transfocator (adjustable array of Be lenses) in order to provide an X-ray spot of necessary size on the sample. The following techniques are planned to be realized at the stations: **I. Macromolecular crystallography station:** Se-SAD protein crystallography, small-molecule crystallography **II. Nuclear scattering station:** 57Fe nuclear inelastic/forward scattering and synchrotron Möessbauer source **III. Nanomapping station:** combined X-ray fluorescence (XRF), diffraction (XRD) and absorption (EXAFS/XANES) mapping with submicron spatial resolution **IV. Extreme conditions station:** XRF, XRD, EXAFS/XANES in a diamond anvil cell (up to 3 000 000 atm) including laser heating (up to 6 000 K) and cryostat options

Primary author

Dr Sergey Rashchenko (Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS)


Dr Andrey Darin (Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS) Dr Iakov Rakshun (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)

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