Direct writing on PbWO4 monocrystalline using X-rays

13 Jul 2020, 20:30
Poster SR technological application and X-ray apparatus Poster Session


Dr Vladimir Nazmov (BUdker Institute of Nuclear Physics)


The lithographic profile on the material surface is usually based on making structural changes in the intermediate - technological layer using radiation, and the subsequent transfer of the resulting topology to the underlying layer of the functional material. However, not all materials enable the removal process that meets the sufficient selectivity value. This report presents the results of direct writing a relief on an inorganic PbWO4 crystal using synchrotron radiation in the X-ray range. This work is partially supported by RFBR grant № 19-42-540014.

Primary author

Dr Vladimir Nazmov (BUdker Institute of Nuclear Physics)


Dr Boris Goldenberg (Budker INP SB RAS) Dr Mikhail Mikhailenko (Institute of solid state chemistry and mechanochemistry)

Presentation Materials