Microdevices are usually made up of several interacting components that can be assembled on the basis of 3-dimensional LIGA structures, using various techniques to fulfill the required positioning accuracy - the so-called combined LIGA technology [1]. As a part of the LIGA technology, deep X-ray lithography enables the formation of 3-D microstructures of significant size in each of the three dimensions; however, it is often possible to improve positioning accuracy by using self-alignment technique when patterning with the use of X-ray mask, as shown in [2]. In our work, we consider single-exposure with self-alignment technique for the creation of microdevices of technological material, which can demonstrate new physical capabilities.
[1] LIGA and Its Applications, Ed.V. Saile, U. Wallrabe, O. Tabata, J G. Korvink, 2008, Wiley‐VCH Verlag, Weinheim.
[2] V.Nazmov, E.Reznikova, M.Boerner, J.Mohr, V.Saile, A.Snigirev, I.Snigireva, M.DiMichiel, M.Drakopoulos, R.Simon, M.Grigoriev, Refractive lenses fabricated by deep SR lithography and LIGA technology for X-ray energies from 1 keV to 1 MeV. AIP Conf. Proc., 705(2004)752-755.