Synchrotron radiation is the unique electromagnetic radiation, allowing the detailed study of the internal structure of materials using various non-destructive methods. As is known, such radiation is characterized by exceptional brightness and coherence, due to the choice of a specific wavelength or energy, synchrotron light is used in many diffraction methods [1].
Existing technology in particle accelerators led to the ultimate characteristics of the synchrotron radiation source. Further improvement of the storage ring, namely an increasing the electron density and an increasing the brightness of light, becomes difficult [2]. Today, 4th generation synchrotron sources considered diffraction-limited, since such sources have an electron beam emittance less than a photon beam emittance [3]. The transition to synchrotron sources with an ultra-small electron beam opens up new prospects in X-ray diffraction methods and coherent imaging. However, the determination of extremely small source parameters (for example «SKIF» [4]), requires a special approach and tools. Therefore, the diagnosis of such sources becomes an important task.
The interest in the diagnosis of synchrotron sources is because this tool allows you to accurately determine the parameters of the generated X-ray beam. We present a source imaging experiment carried out with different detection methods at the ESRF beamline. Photon beam diagnostics of a synchrotron radiation source can be divided into two directions: the direct source imaging method and the interferometric approach. The direct imaging method allows you to get an enlarged image of the source using Compound Refractive Lens (CRL) [5-6], Fresnel zone plate (FZP) [7], or pinhole camera [8]. The use of interference methods gives a complete image of the phase structure of the photon beam. The proposed diagnostic methods are applicable both for the 3rd generation of synchrotron sources and for the 4th generation.
This research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 19-72-30009).
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