High-intensity polarized and un-polarized H- sources and injector development at BNL

3 Sep 2020, 08:40
Oral H– and D– sources for fusion, accelerators and other applications O2


Dr Anatoli Zelenski (BNL)


The AGS-RHIC injector complex includes: high-intensity (magnetron type) H- ion source and Optically Pumped Polarized Ion Source (OPPIS); 750 keV RFQ and 200 MeV Linac. In this paper we will focus on the recent Linac LEBT upgrade with three sources: two magnetron sources and OPPIS. This LEBT configuration can be a good prototype of very reliable H- ion beam injectors for the accelerator complexes with the high down time cost. We also present the recent magnetron development to higher duty factor and reliability. The results of the beam production with the new LEBT configuration will be presented. Both magnetron sources produce 120 mA current (600-1000 us pulse duration , 7 Hz repetition rate). The LEBT improvement resulted in beam intensity increase (after RFQ at 750 keV) to 80 mA (maximum 90 mA). The polarized beam efficiency transport will be also improved due to shorter LEBT line and replacement electrostatic Einzel lenses with the magnetic quadrupole lenses.

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