The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) accelerator system includes a 65-keV H- injector, a 2.5-MeV RFQ, a 1-GeV linac series, and an accumulator ring. The H- injector consists of an RF-driven, Cs-enhanced H- ion source and a compact, two-lens electrostatic LEBT. SNS routinely operates at 1.4 MW average beam power for three run cycles per year. In the recent two run cycles (FY20A and FY20B), due to conservative operation of the RFQ with reduced power, the H- injector had to deliver >50 mA to the RFQ to achieve ~35 mA linac current required for 1.4 MW. For FY20A, we ran two sources each serving about 60 days. For FY20B, we ran a single source for the entire cycle spanning 116 days. A single dose of cesiation was conducted in the startup which yielded ~54 mA for the entire run with little adjustments of RF power and Cs collar temperature. After service inspections revealed no significant tear or damage that would have limited further operation of the source.