Yuekun Heng
Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is under construction in southern China which aims to measure the neutrino mass hierarchy and neutrino oscillation parameters using the reactor neutrinos from two nearby nuclear power plants 53km away. JUNO also has good capabilities of researches such as supernova neutrinos, geo-neutrinos, solar neutrinos and so on. Here the instrumentation of JUNO is introduced and its central detector is designed to measure neutrinos with huge target of liquid scintillator of 20k tons and with the precise energy resolution to reach (3%)/√(E(MeV)) . To satisfy the above requirements, the new MCP-PMT with 20 inches diameter and with high detection efficiency is developed in China and its performances are reported. Also the R&Ds of PMT readout electronics, the liquid scintillator, the calibration system and the veto system are introduced.
Primary author
Yuekun Heng