11-15 September 2023
Budker INP
Asia/Novosibirsk timezone

Control System for a Heavy Ion Laser Source at Synchrotron Complex ICCR

13 Sep 2023, 17:50
1h 10m
Board: 052
Poster Heavy ion accelerators Posters II


Mr Sergey Barabin (NRC KI - KCTEP)


The article describes the control system for a laser source of heavy ions. The control system has a hierarchical multilevel architecture, determined by the hierarchical structure of the laser ion source, and is a part of the control systems of the linear heavy ion injector and the entire synchrotron complex. The article describes the basic requirements for the control system and the general principles of its construction, and the circuitry and software solutions selected in accordance with these requirements and principles, such as: organization of data exchange between individual nodes in the automated control system; determination of algorithms for working with individual devices and subsystems of the ion source, and with the ion source as a unified system; selection of types and structural schemes of controllers of individual subsystems. The hierarchical structure of the automated control system and control subsystems for all the main devices of the laser source are also described.

Young scientist paper No

Primary author

Mr Sergey Barabin (NRC KI - KCTEP)


Mr Dmitry Liakin (NRC KI - KCTEP) Mr Andrey Orlov (NRC KI - KCTEP) Mr Anton Losev (NRC KI - KCTEP) Mr Igor Chrisanov (NRC KI - KCTEP) Mr Alexandr Shumshurov (NRC KI - KCTEP) Dr Yuriy Satov (NRC KI - KCTEP) Mr Alexandr Kozlov (NRC KI - KCTEP) Dr Timur Kulevoy (NRC KI - KCTEP)

Presentation Materials