To date, more than 200 scintillation materials has been developed, however only a few of them are widely used for detectors design and construction [1]. A general trend is to use for detectors the elements produced from the selected top-quality grade scintillation materials instead of expensive novel chemically not stable halides. Another trend, which came in the last few years, is to apply new achievements from the theory of scintillation materials to engineer the properties of the materials for a particular application [2]. From that point of view, the complex oxides with garnet structure is a family of materials, for which properties can be tuned for the best price/performance ratio for a particular application.
The combination of the scintillation properties, particularly the high light yield and high time resolution of garnet crystals with modern SiPM photosensors, with outstanding radiation hardness and chemical and mechanical stability make the complex garnet oxides the candidates of choice for a range of various applications in HEP experiments. Doped with Ce, the yttrium Y or Gd-based garnets could be produced by the well-established Czochralski crystal growth technique and can be produced at a quantity to equip detectors consisting of thousands and thousands of heterogeneous cells. Garnet crystals with a large quantity of Gd could be utilized for neutron detection in a large energy range. Due to its cubic crystalline structure, the garnet may be obtained as a polycrystalline ceramic using various techniques, including 3D-printing [3]; this further widens the range of the possible applications.
Here we report on the series of developments, in lines with the Grant No. 14.W03.31.0004 of Russian Federation Government and Crystal Clear Collaboration at CERN, on multicationic garnet structure scintillation materials. Their prospects for an application in “shaslyk”, “spaghetti”, neutron and “mip” detectors at future HEP experiments are discussed.
1. P Lecoq, A Gektin, M Korzhik, Inorganic Scintillators for Detector Systems, Springer, 2016, p.408
2. M Korzhik, G.Tamulaitis, A.Vasil’ev, Physics of the fast phenomena in scintillators. Springer, 2020, p.350
3. G.A. Dosovitskiy et. al, CrystEngComm 19 (2017), 4260-4264